10 August 2008

Life happens offline

We have started our move. It is an incremental undertaking -- a van-load or so at a time. It is slow and laborous, but it is actually happening!
At the new house, we do not have the internet hooked up. I've not missed it. I know I need email to communicate with one of my ongoing extra-familial commitments, but truthfully, I'm debating getting rid of the internet all together. Turns out that a lot more gets done and, more importantly, more gets enjoyed when I'm not online.
I'm headed back to Eureka today. Dennis and the kids stayed at the new house overnight and I came home to do church and get a decent sleep. It was nice, but not as nice as being with my kids and husband. I'm eager for this month to be finished so we can all be together again.
Soon enough, I suppose... soon enough.


more cows than people said...

i know how you're feeling... wanting to be on the other side of a transition. i get it.

i will SO miss you if you leave the wired world. but i will understand.

Jim and Amy Rennie said...

I hope maybe you will at least go to the library to write/email/communicate once a week, or twice a month . . .it's nice to be able to keep up with you!